Minggu, 14 Juni 2015

Basic Cara Membongkar / Mengoprek Proyektor ( Sony Digital Proyektor VPL-ES1 ) Part 5

Step 20 

  • The underside of the LCD / Lens Assembly to show you the Cooling ducts leading up to the LCD panels. Neat huh?
  • The lens is removed by unscrewing the 4 screws located on the outer corners of the lens fixture.
  • New line.And a look at the lens by itself and it Zoom / Focus Ring Dials
  • I am not going to dissasemble the lens-for good measure. Being I'm a not a Leica Tech. - it's most likely not one of their lenses anyway.
Rental Sewa Lcd Proyektor Jogja Sleman
Rental Sewa Lcd Proyektor Jogja Sleman
Rental Sewa Lcd Proyektor Jogja Sleman
Rental Sewa Lcd Proyektor Jogja Sleman

EditStep 21 

  • A cool look inside the assembly minus the lens
  • To remove the LCD innards unscrew the two screws marked in RED circles
  • DO NOT REMOVE the screw marked in yellow - this keeps the color lenses in place between the lcd's and the Prism (VERY IMPORTANT)
  • Now, if needed you can remove the LCD assembly / Prism from the rest of the unit by simply pulling it out gently

Rental Sewa Lcd Proyektor Jogja Sleman
Rental Sewa Lcd Proyektor Jogja Sleman
Rental Sewa Lcd Proyektor Jogja Sleman

EditStep 22 

  • A shot of the LCD Assembly, Lens, Lamp and Mainboard.
  • Then a look at all of the Components. The Completed disassembly

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